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  • Writer's picturePang S

Why Do We Chinese Work So Hard?

Why do we Chinese work so hard? It’s not just the Confucius teachings and the history of a farm-based society. There are several reasons for the Chinese work ethic that your parents probably instilled in you. Why did you study so hard in school? Why do you give 110% on one project or task? How can you change this mentality and let go of these Confucian values, if you need to?

Confucian Values

The Confucian value of hard work comes from a strong belief in the power of education. Confucius emphasized the importance of education and thought that it should be pursued by everyone. He believed that if everyone was educated, they would all pursue the correct path in life, and thus order would be maintained.

Enlightenment, or becoming a sage, was a product of hard work. To become enlightened one must devote their entire life to learning and working towards perfection. Sages are not born; they are made through hard work. As part of this pursuit for educational attainment, filial piety is an essential value that holds the family together. Thus, the Chinese people learn to work hard at a young age so they can earn money to take care of their parents when they are older. The value of hard work is also deeply embedded in Chinese culture because without it there would be little order or peace in society.

A Farming Society

The Chinese are known for being a farming society. Today, China is one of the largest producers of food in the world. In an effort to keep up with the rest of the world in terms of productivity, farmers are working longer hours than ever before. This is how it's always been. It's just that now, people aren't doing it in order to feed themselves; they're doing it to make a profit. With all this extra time being put into farming, there isn't much left for anything else. That's why you see so many Chinese workers go to the West and open up small businesses or go to school in order to better themselves. They know they have opportunities there that they don't have back home.

A Historical Labour Driven Culture

Not only does the Chinese culture value hard work more than any other culture in the world, but it has a history of working hard to survive. Centuries ago, China had to work very hard just to feed its population. When China was united under the Shang Dynasty in 1600 B.C., agriculture was important and agriculture was difficult. Villagers had to prepare their fields every spring before sowing their seeds. Then they had to tend their crops throughout the growing season and harvest them in the fall before they could use what they grew to feed themselves and others during the winter months. Most of this work was done by hand using simple tools such as hoes and plows.

Why Your Parents Work So Hard and How That Affects You Today

I remember when I was little, my father went to work very early and came back very late. He worked on the weekends and he didn't have any time to play with me or go out with my mom. My mother also worked hard, cleaning the house and cooking dinner for us.

There is no doubt that our parents had it harder than their children today. Compared to them, we feel like we live in a paradise. We get to choose what to do for our future; we can always find a way out of our problems. We can choose our own jobs, change our careers and even quit if we don't like how things are going.

It's not all bad. We work hard because we love our families and friends because we hope for a nest egg or a very profitable life. But the key is to be aware of the pitfalls. If you work hard, make sure you work intelligently: for progress not for perfection; for time off not for time out; and for balance, not burnout.

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